September 11, 2024 2024-12-01 17:54Programme

Commencing in September, the curriculum is composed of a total of 60 credits of courses covering research methods in statistics, quantitative trading, biostatistics, big data analytics, etc., of which some electives are from the department’s research postgraduate programme.
Admission Rate
QS World University Rankings by Subject 2024 (Data Science & Artificial Intelligence)
The programme offers great flexibilities for students to specialise in themes of Risk Management, Data Analytics, or Financial Statistics. A student may choose to have his/her theme printed on the transcript if he/she has satisfied the requirement of one of the themes. If a student selects an MStat course whose contents are similar to a course (or courses) which he/she has taken in his/her previous study, the Department may not approve the selection in question.
Programme Highlights
- Be a knowledgeable statistician in principles and practice
- Experience hands-on applications of methodologies with powerful statistical software
- Could select electives from the Department’s research postgraduate courses
- Join the programme of more than 30 years in curriculum development and delivery
- Select a theme of your interest (Risk Management theme / Data Analytics theme / Financial Statistics)
Programme Structure
Applicable to both full-time and part-time modes
Two compulsory courses
12 credits
STAT7101 - Fundamentals of statistical inference (6 credits)
Motivated by real problems involving uncertainty and variability, this course introduces the basic concepts and principles of statistical inference and decision-making. Contents include: large-sample theories; estimation theory; likelihood principle; maximum likelihood estimation; hypotheses testing; likelihood ratio tests; computer-intensive methods such as EM algorithm. (Only under exceptional academic circumstances can this compulsory course be replaced by an elective course.)
Assessment: coursework (40%) and examination (60%)
STAT7102 - Advanced statistical modelling (6 credits)
This course introduces modern methods for constructing and evaluating statistical models and their implementation using popular computing software, such as R or Python. It will cover both the underlying principles of each modelling approach and the model estimation procedures. Topics from:
(i) Linear regression models; (ii) Generalized linear models; (iii) Model selection and regularization; (iv) Kernel and local polynomial regression; selection of smoothing parameters; (v) Generalized additive models; (vi) Hidden Markov models and Bayesian networks.
Assessment: coursework (50%) and examination (50%)
Theme-specific elective courses
24 credits
Risk Management theme
plus 24 credits from
STAT6015 - Advanced quantitative risk management (6 credits)
This course covers statistical methods and models of risk management, especially of Value-at-Risk (VaR). Contents include: Value-at-risk (VaR) and Expected Shortfall (ES); univariate models (normal model, log-normal model and stochastic process model) for VaR and ES; models for portfolio VaR; time series models for VaR; extreme value approach to VaR; back-testing and stress testing.
Assessment: coursework (50%) and examination (50%)
STAT6017 - Operational risk and insurance analytics (6 credits)
This course aims to provide the foundation of operational risk management and insurance. Special emphasis will be put on the analytical and modeling techniques for operational risk and insurance. Contents include fundamentals of operational risk and Basel regulation, loss distribution, estimation of risk models, copula and modeling dependence, insurance and risk transfer for operational risk.
Assessment: coursework (50%) and examination (50%)
STAT7009 - Stochastic dependence modelling (6 credits)
This course provides an introduction to the stochastic modelling of dependence. Topics include univariate distribution functions, quantile functions, multivariate distribution functions, copulas, properties of copulas, simulation, measures of association, copula constructions and selected further aspects of copula modelling.
Assessment: coursework (40%) and examination (60%)
STAT8003 - Time series forecasting (6 credits)
Discrete time series are integer-indexed sequences of random variables. Such series arise naturally in climatology, economics, finance, environmental research and many other disciplines. The course covers the statistical modelling and forecasting of time series. Topics may include stationary and nonstationary time series, ARMA models, identification based on autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation, GARCH models, goodness-of-fit, forecasting, and nonlinear time series modelling.
Assessment: coursework (50%) and examination (50%)
STAT8007 - Statistical methods in economics and finance (6 credits)
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to state-of-the-art statistical techniques in economics and finance, with emphasis on their applications to time series and panel data sets in economics and finance. Topics include: regression with heteroscedastic and/or autocorrelated errors; instrumental variables and two stage least squares; panel time series model; unit root tests, co-integration, error correction models; and generalized method of moments.
Assessment: coursework (40%) and examination (60%)
STAT8015 - Actuarial statistics (6 credits)
The main focus of this module will be on financial mathematics of compound interest with an introduction to life contingencies and statistical theory of risk. Topics include simple and compound interest, annuities certain, yield rates, survival models and life tables, population studies, life annuities, assurances and premiums, reserves, joint life and last survivor statuses, multiple decrement tables, expenses, individual and collective risk theory.
Assessment: coursework (40%) and examination (60%)
STAT8017 - Data mining techniques (6 credits)
With the rapid developments in computer and data storage technologies, the fundamental paradigms of classical data analysis are mature for change. Data mining techniques aim at helping people to work smarter by revealing underlying structure and relationships in large amounts of data. This course takes a practical approach to introduce the new generation of data mining techniques and show how to use them to make better decisions. Topics include data preparation, feature selection, association rules, decision trees, bagging, random forests and gradient boosting, cluster analysis, neural networks, introduction to text mining.
Assessment: coursework (100%)
STAT8308 - Blockchain data analytics (3 credits)
In this course, we start by studying the basic architecture of a blockchain. Then we move on to several major applications including (but not limited to) cryptocurrencies, fintech and smart contracts. We conclude by examining the cybersecurity issues facing the blockchain ecosystems.
Assessment: coursework (100%)
Financial Statistics theme
plus 24 credits from
STAT6013 - Financial data analysis (6 credits)
This course aims at introducing statistical methodologies in analyzing financial data. Financial applications and statistical methodologies are intertwined in all lectures. Contents include: classical portfolio theory, portfolio selection in practice, single index market model, robust parameter estimation, copula and high frequency data analysis.
Assessment: coursework (40%) and examination (60%)
STAT7009 - Stochastic dependence modelling (6 credits)
This course provides an introduction to the stochastic modelling of dependence. Topics include univariate distribution functions, quantile functions, multivariate distribution functions, copulas, properties of copulas, simulation, measures of association, copula constructions and selected further aspects of copula modelling.
Assessment: coursework (40%) and examination (60%)
STAT8003 - Time series forecasting (6 credits)
Discrete time series are integer-indexed sequences of random variables. Such series arise naturally in climatology, economics, finance, environmental research and many other disciplines. The course covers the statistical modelling and forecasting of time series. Topics may include stationary and nonstationary time series, ARMA models, identification based on autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation, GARCH models, goodness-of-fit, forecasting, and nonlinear time series modelling.
Assessment: coursework (50%) and examination (50%)
STAT8007 - Statistical methods in economics and finance (6 credits)
This course provides a comprehensive introduction to state-of-the-art statistical techniques in economics and finance, with emphasis on their applications to time series and panel data sets in economics and finance. Topics include: regression with heteroscedastic and/or autocorrelated errors; instrumental variables and two stage least squares; panel time series model; unit root tests, co-integration, error correction models; and generalized method of moments.
Assessment: coursework (40%) and examination (60%)
STAT8015 - Actuarial statistics (6 credits)
The main focus of this module will be on financial mathematics of compound interest with an introduction to life contingencies and statistical theory of risk. Topics include simple and compound interest, annuities certain, yield rates, survival models and life tables, population studies, life annuities, assurances and premiums, reserves, joint life and last survivor statuses, multiple decrement tables, expenses, individual and collective risk theory.
Assessment: coursework (40%) and examination (60%)
STAT8017 - Data mining techniques (6 credits)
With the rapid developments in computer and data storage technologies, the fundamental paradigms of classical data analysis are mature for change. Data mining techniques aim at helping people to work smarter by revealing underlying structure and relationships in large amounts of data. This course takes a practical approach to introduce the new generation of data mining techniques and show how to use them to make better decisions. Topics include data preparation, feature selection, association rules, decision trees, bagging, random forests and gradient boosting, cluster analysis, neural networks, introduction to text mining.
Assessment: coursework (100%)
STAT8020 - Quantitative strategies and algorithmic - trading (6 credits)
Quantitative trading is a systematic investment approach that consists of identification of trading opportunities via statistical data analysis and implementation via computer algorithms. This course introduces various methodologies that are commonly employed in quantitative trading.
The first half of the course focuses at strategies and methodologies derived from the data snapshotted at daily or minute frequency. Some specific topics are: (1) techniques for trading trending and mean-reverting instruments, (2) statistical arbitrage and pairs trading, (3) detection of “time-series” mean reversion or stationarity, (4) cross-sectional momentum and contrarian strategies, (5) back-testing methodologies and corresponding performance measures, and (6) Kelly formula, money and risk management. The second half of the course discusses statistical models of high frequency data and related trading strategies. Topics that planned to be covered are: (7) introduction of market microstructure, (8) stylized features and models of high frequency transaction prices, (9) limit order book models, (10) optimal execution and smart order routing algorithms, and (11) regulation and compliance issues in algorithmic trading.
Pre-requisites: Pass in STAT6013 Financial data analysis or equivalent
Assessment: coursework (50%) and examination (50%)
STAT8021 - Big data analytics (6 credits)
The recent explosion of social media and the computerization of every aspect of life resulted in the creation of volumes of mostly unstructured data (big data): web logs, e-mails, videos, speech recordings, photographs, tweets and others. This course aims to provide students with knowledge and skills in big data analytics, especially natural language processing (NLP). Topics will include basic information retrieval, text classification, word embedding, neural networks, sequence models, encoder-decoder, transformer, contextualized world representation, and language model. Students are required to be familiar with Python programming.
Assessment: coursework (100%)
STAT8309 - Monte Carlo simulation and finance (3 credits)
This course covers basic knowledge of Monte Carlo simulation and its application to finance. Course contents include random variate generation, Monte Carlo methods, options pricing, variance reduction techniques and efficiency improvement.
Assessment: coursework (100%)
Data Analytics theme
plus 24 credits from
STAT6008 - Advanced statistical inference (6 credits)
This course covers the advanced theory of point estimation, interval estimation and hypothesis testing. Using a mathematically-oriented approach, the course provides a formal treatment of inferential problems, statistical methodologies and their underlying theory. It is suitable in particular for students intending to further their studies or to develop a career in statistical research. Contents include: (1) Decision problem – frequentist approach: loss function; risk; decision rule; admissibility; minimaxity; unbiasedness; Bayes’ rule; (2) Decision problem – Bayesian approach: prior and posterior distributions, Bayesian inference; (3) Estimation theory: exponential families; likelihood; sufficiency; minimal sufficiency; completeness; UMVU estimators; information inequality; large-sample theory of maximum likelihood estimation; (4) Hypothesis testing: uniformly most powerful (UMP) test; monotone likelihood ratio; UMP unbiased test; conditional test; large-sample theory of likelihood ratio; confidence set; (5) Nonparametric inference; bootstrap methods.
Assessment: coursework (40%) and examination (60%)
STAT6011 - Computational statistics and Bayesian learning (6 credits)
This course aims to give students an introduction on modern computationally intensive methods in statistics, with a strong focus on Bayesian methods. The role of computation as a fundamental tool in data analysis and statistical inference will be emphasized. The course will introduce topics including the generation of random variables, optimization techniques, and numerical integration using quadrature and Monte Carlo methods. This course will then cover the fundamental Bayesian framework, including prior elicitation, posterior inference and model selection. For posterior computation, Monte Carlo methods such as importance sampling and Markov chain Monte Carlo will be introduced. Methods for approximate inference such as variational Bayes will also be covered. Advanced Bayesian modeling with nonparametric Bayes will then be explored, with applications in machine learning. This course is particularly suitable for students who intend to pursue further studies or a career in research.
Assessment: coursework (50%) and examination (50%)
STAT6016 - Spatial data analysis (6 credits)
This course covers statistical concepts and tools involved in modelling data which are correlated in space. Applications can be found in many fields including epidemiology and public health, environmental sciences and ecology, economics and others. Covered topics include: (1) Outline of three types of spatial data: point-level (geostatistical), areal (lattice), and spatial point process. (2) Model-based geostatistics: covariance functions and the variogram; spatial trends and directional effects; intrinsic models; estimation by curve fitting or by maximum likelihood; spatial prediction by least squares, by simple and ordinary kriging, by trans-Gaussian kriging. (3) Areal data models: introduction to Markov random fields; conditional, intrinsic, and simultaneous autoregressive (CAR, IAR, and SAR) models. (4) Hierarchical modelling for univariate spatial response data, including Bayesian kriging and lattice modelling. (5) Introduction to simple spatial point processes and spatio-temporal models. Real data analysis examples will be provided with dedicated R packages such as geoR.
Assessment: coursework (50%) and examination (50%)
STAT7005 - Multivariate methods (6 credits)
In many disciplines the basic data on an experimental unit consist of a vector of possibly correlated measurements. Examples include the chemical composition of a rock; the results of clinical observations and tests on a patient; the household expenditures on different commodities. Through the challenge of problems in a number of fields of application, this course considers appropriate statistical models for explaining the patterns of variability of such multivariate data. Topics include: multiple, partial and canonical correlation; multivariate regression; tests on means for one-sample and two-sample problems; profile analysis; test for covariances structure; multivariate ANOVA; principal components analysis; factor analysis; discriminant analysis and classification.
Assessment: coursework (40%) and examination (60%)
STAT7007 - Categorical data analysis (3 credits)
Many social and medical studies, especially those involving questionnaires, contain large amounts of categorical data. Examples of categorical data include presence or absence of disease (yes / no), mode of transportation (bus, taxi, railway), attitude toward an issue (strongly disagree, disagree, agree, strongly agree). This course focuses on analyzing categorical response data with emphasis on hands-on training of analyzing real data using statistical software SAS. Consulting experience may be presented in the form of case studies. Topics include: classical treatments of contingency tables; measures of association; logistic linear models and log-linear models for binary responses; and log-linear models for Poisson means.
Assessment: coursework (50%) and examination (50%)
STAT8003 - Time series forecasting (6 credits)
Discrete time series are integer-indexed sequences of random variables. Such series arise naturally in climatology, economics, finance, environmental research and many other disciplines. The course covers the statistical modelling and forecasting of time series. Topics may include stationary and nonstationary time series, ARMA models, identification based on autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation, GARCH models, goodness-of-fit, forecasting, and nonlinear time series modelling.
Assessment: coursework (50%) and examination (50%)
STAT8016 - Biostatistics (6 credits)
Statistical methodologies and applications in fields of medicine, clinical research, epidemiology, public health, biology and biomedical research are considered. The types of statistical problems encountered will be motivated by experimental data sets. Important topics include design and analysis of randomized clinical trials, group sequential designs and crossover trials; survival studies; diagnosis; risks; statistical analysis of the medical process.
Assessment: coursework (40%) and examination (60%)
STAT8017 - Data mining techniques (6 credits)
With the rapid developments in computer and data storage technologies, the fundamental paradigms of classical data analysis are mature for change. Data mining techniques aim at helping people to work smarter by revealing underlying structure and relationships in large amounts of data. This course takes a practical approach to introduce the new generation of data mining techniques and show how to use them to make better decisions. Topics include data preparation, feature selection, association rules, decision trees, bagging, random forests and gradient boosting, cluster analysis, neural networks, introduction to text mining.
Assessment: coursework (100%)
STAT8019 - Marketing analytics (6 credits)
This course aims to introduce various statistical models and methodology used in marketing research. Special emphasis will be put on marketing analytics and statistical techniques for marketing decision making including market segmentation, market response models, consumer preference analysis, conjoint analysis and extracting insights from text data. Contents include statistical methods for segmentation, targeting and positioning, statistical methods for new product design, text mining techniques and market response models.
Assessment: coursework (50%) and examination (50%)
STAT8021 - Big data analytics (6 credits)
The recent explosion of social media and the computerization of every aspect of life resulted in the creation of volumes of mostly unstructured data (big data): web logs, e-mails, videos, speech recordings, photographs, tweets and others. This course aims to provide students with knowledge and skills in big data analytics, especially natural language processing (NLP). Topics will include basic information retrieval, text classification, word embedding, neural networks, sequence models, encoder-decoder, transformer, contextualized world representation, and language model. Students are required to be familiar with Python programming.
Assessment: coursework (100%)
STAT8302 - Structural equation modelling (3 credits)
Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) is a general statistical modelling technique to establish relationships among variables. A key feature of SEM is that observed variables are understood to represent a small number of “latent constructs” that cannot be directly measured, only inferred from the observed measured variables. This course covers the theories of structural equation models and their applications. Topics may include path models, confirmatory factor analysis, structural equation models with latent variables, Sub-models including multiple group analysis, MIMIC model, second order factor analysis, two-wave model, and simplex model, model fitness, model identification, and Comparison with competing models.
Pre-requisites: Pass in STAT7005 Multivariate methods or equivalent
Assessment: coursework (50%) and examination (50%)
STAT8306 - Statistical methods for network data (3 credits)
The six degrees of separation theorizes that human interactions could be easily represented in the form of a network. Examples of networks include router networks, the World Wide Web, social networks (e.g. Facebook or Twitter), genetic interaction networks and various collaboration networks (e.g. movie actor coloration network and scientific paper collaboration network). Despite the diversity in the nature of sources, the networks exhibit some common properties. For example, both the spread of disease in a population and the spread of rumors in a social network are in sub-logarithmic time. This course aims at discussing the common properties of real networks and the recent development of statistical network models. Topics may include common network measures, community detection in graphs, preferential attachment random network models, exponential random graph models, models based on random point processes and the hidden network discovery on a set of dependent random variables.
Assessment: coursework (100%)
Other elective courses
plus at least 18 credits from
Or select any theme-specific elective courses
STAT6009 - Research methods in statistics (6 credits)
This course introduces some statistical concepts and methods which potential graduate students will find useful in preparing for work on a research degree in statistics. Focus is on applications of state-of-the-art statistical techniques and their underlying theory. Contents may be selected from: (1) Basic asymptotic methods: modes of convergence; stochastic orders; laws of large numbers; central limit theorems; delta method; (2) Parametric and nonparametric likelihood methods: high-order approximations; profile likelihood and its variants; signed likelihood ratio statistics; empirical likelihood; (3) Nonparametric statistical inference: sign and rank tests; Kolmogorov-Smirnov test; nonparametric regression; density estimation; kernel methods; (4) Computationally-intensive methods: cross-validation; bootstrap; permutation methods; (5) Robust methods: measures of robustness; M-estimator; L-estimator; R-estimator; estimating functions; (6) Other topics as determined by the instructor.
Assessment: coursework (40%) and examination (60%)
STAT6010 - Advanced probability (6 credits)
This course provides an introduction to measure theory and probability, with focus on mathematical concepts in probability important for students to conduct research in probability, statistics and
actuarial science. Contents include: sigma-algebra, measurable spaces, measures and probability measures, measurable functions, random variables, integration theory, characteristic functions, modes of convergence of random variables, conditional expectations, martingales.
Assessment: coursework (40%) and examination (60%)
STAT6019 - Current topics in statistics (6 credits)
This course may include modules such as:
Causal Inference, is an introduction to key concepts and methods for causal inference. Contents include 1) the counterfactual outcome, randomized experiment, observational study; 2) Effect modification, mediation and interaction; 3) Causal graphs; 4) Confounding, selection bias, measurement error and random variability; 5) Inverse probability weighting and the marginal structural models; 6) Outcome regression and the propensity score; 7) The standardization and the parametric g-formula; 8) G-estimation and the structural nested model; 9) Instrumental variable method; 10) Machine learning methods for causal inference; 11) Other topics as determined by the instructor.
Functional data analysis, covers topics from: 1) Base functions; 2) Least squares estimation; 3) Constrained functions; 4) Functional PCA; 5) Regularized PCA; 6) Functional linear model; 7) Other topics as determined by the instructor.
Assessment: coursework (100%)
STAT7006 - Design and analysis of sample surveys (6 credits)
Inferring the characteristics of a population from those observed in a sample from that population is a situation often forced on us for economic, ethical or technological reasons. This course considers the basic principles, practice and design of sampling techniques to produce objective answers free from bias. This course will cover design and implementation of sample surveys and analysis of statistical data thus obtained. Survey design includes overall survey design, design of sampling schemes and questionnaires, etc. Sampling methods include sample size determination, sampling and non-sampling errors and biases, methods of estimation of parameters from survey data, imputation for missing data etc.
Assessment: coursework (50%) and examination (50%)
STAT7008 - Programming for data science (6 credits)
Capturing and utilising essential information from big datasets poses both statistical and programming challenges. This course is designed to equip students with the fundamental computing skills required to use Python for addressing these challenges. The course will cover a range of topics, including programming syntax, files IO, object-oriented programming, scientific data processing and analysis, data visualization, data mining and web scraping, programming techniques for machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, and natural language processing, etc.
Assessment: coursework (100%)
STAT8000 - Workshop on spreadsheet modelling and database management (3 credits)
This course aims to enhance students’ IT knowledge and skills which are essential for career development of statistical and risk analysts. The course contains a series of computer hands-on workshops on Excel VBA programming, MS-Access and SQL and C++ basics.
Assessment: coursework (100%), assessment of this course is on a pass or fail or distinction basis
STAT8300 - Career development and communication workshop (Non-credit-bearing)
The course is specially designed for students who wish to sharpen their communication and career preparation skills through a variety of activities including lectures, skill-based workshops, small group discussion and role plays. All of which aim to facilitate students in making informed career choices, provide practical training to enrich communication, presentation, time management and advanced interview skills, and to enhance students’ overall competitiveness in the employment markets.
Assessment: coursework (100%), assessment of this course is on a pass or fail or distinction basis
Capstone requirement
plus 6 credits from
STAT8017 - Data mining techniques (6 credits)
With the rapid developments in computer and data storage technologies, the fundamental paradigms of classical data analysis are mature for change. Data mining techniques aim at helping people to work smarter by revealing underlying structure and relationships in large amounts of data. This course takes a practical approach to introduce the new generation of data mining techniques and show how to use them to make better decisions. Topics include data preparation, feature selection, association rules, decision trees, bagging, random forests and gradient boosting, cluster analysis, neural networks, introduction to text mining.
Assessment: coursework (100%)
STAT8088 - Statistical practicum (6 credits)
It provides students with first-hand experience in applying academic knowledge in a real-life work environment. To be eligible, students should be undertaking a statistics-related or risk-management-related practicum with no less than 160 hours in at least 20 working days spent in a paid or unpaid position. It is allowed for part-time students to complete their practicum within their current place of employment. The practicum will normally take place in the second semester or summer semester for full-time students or during the second year for part-time students.
Note: Students should not be taking or have taken STAT8089 Capstone project
Assessment: Upon completion of the practicum, each student is required to submit a written report (60%) and to give an oral presentation (40%) on his/her practicum experience. Supervisors will assess the students based on their performance during the practicum period. Assessment of this course is on a Pass, Fail or Distinction basis with three criteria: (1) supervisor’s evaluation, (2) written report, (3) oral presentation. Failing in fulfilling any of the three criteria satisfactorily leads to a “Fail” grade in the course.
STAT8089 - Capstone project (6 credits)
This project-based course aims to provide students with capstone experience to work on a real-world problem and carry out a substantial data analysis project which requires integration of the knowledge they have learnt in the curriculum. Students will work in small groups under the guidance of their supervisor(s). The project topic is not limited to academic context, but can also be extended to a community or corporate outreach project. Students will need to find an interesting topic of their own, conduct literature search regarding the most recent research related to the problem, make suggestions to improve the current situations or even solve the problem identified in their project. A substantial written report is required.
Note: Students should not be taking or have taken STAT8088 Statistical practicum
Assessment: project proposal (15%); written report (55%) and oral presentation (30%)
- Apart from the two compulsory courses and capstone requirement, candidates may choose not to follow any theme and may take 42 credits of elective courses in any order, whenever feasible.
- The programme structure will be reviewed from time to time and is subject to change.
Graduate/ Student Sharing
CHAN Wing Ho Ronald [MStat Part-time Graduate 2022]
Senior Actuarial Analyst, Hong Kong Life Insurance LimitedYIU Cheuk Wing [MStat Part-time Graduate 2023]
Statistician, Census and Statistics DepartmentLIU Wen [MStat Full-time Graduate 2023]
Actuarial Analyst, Ernst and YoungCongregation
From 2021-22, two Congregations will be held annually (in July and December respectively) which is to align with international practices and to facilitate the convenience for students.
Graduands who are eligible for graduation will be assigned to the Congregation nearest to the completion date of their studies for conferral of degree. The Graduation Certificate normally could be collected on the day of the Congregation.
Expected graduation time for normative study period
Expected graduation time if students take summer courses in final year

Tuition Fee, Scholarship and Fellowships
Programme Fees (subject to approval)
The full tuition fee is HK$228,000, and it is normally paid by full-time students in 2 installments, and part-time students in 4 installments.
The University allows Occasional Students to enrol in individual courses without registering in any particular programme of study. The tuition fee for occasional students taking MStat courses is HK$3,800 per credit.
Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Fellowships Scheme
Master of Statistics (MStat) is one of the Programmes sponsored by University Grants Committee (UGC) for Targeted Taught Postgraduate Programmes Fellowships Scheme. Local full-time or part-time offer recipients who will be students of MStat in the academic year 2024-25 are eligible for application, and applicants are required to prepare a proposal on how they can contribute to the priority areas (i.e. Business and STEM) of Hong Kong after completing MStat. More application details will be released to the eligible candidates by email in due course.
Successful applicants will each receive an award of HK$120,000. Please note that if the awardees cannot complete MStat for any reasons or are not able to obtain satisfactory results, they will be required to refund the full amount of the award.

Continuing Education Fund (CEF)
Six courses in the programme have been included in the list of reimbursable courses under the CEF. All CEF applicants are required to attend at least 70% of the courses before they are eligible for fee reimbursement.
*The mother programme (Master of Statistics) of these courses is recognised under the Qualifications Framework (QF Level 6).