Before Application
I studied/am studying in a university in Hong Kong for my bachelor degree. Do I need to apply for exemption for the English admission requirement?
As you studied/are studying in a university in Hong Kong for your bachelor degree, the requirement for English test scores does not apply to you and no application of exemption is needed. You could however choose to include test scores in your application as a supplement. …
Are there any English language requirements for admission? Do I need to take any English tests? If so, what are the minimum scores required?
A candidate who is seeking admission on the basis of a qualification from a university or comparable institution outside Hong Kong of which the language of teaching and/or examination is not English, is expected to satisfy the University English language requirement applicable to higher degrees. Please refer to Admissions Requirements for more …
I meet the abovementioned entrance requirements. Does it mean that I would get an offer automatically if I apply for the MDASC Programme?
The competition for a place in the MDASC Programme is fierce. Therefore, meeting the entrance requirements does not guarantee an admission offer. Meanwhile, we consider applications holistically. In other words, we are unable to provide you with any numerical references in terms of admission requirements. …
How do I apply for the MDASC Programme? When are the application deadlines?
For the application method and application deadline, please visit here. …
What are the entrance requirements of the MDASC Programme?
The Programme Entrance Requirements of MDASC are stated on the websites of the School of Computing and Data Science. In addition, applicants are also expected to satisfy the University Entrance Requirements (including the University English language requirement, if applicable). For detail, please visit University Entrance Requirements. …